Dr. Steven McCarus
Dr. McCarus is well-known for his adhesiolysis surgery. It is unclear whether he possesses a similar expertise in endometriosis excision.
- AEEP reviewed 5 years ago
Stars: AEEP ranks providers in five key areas and assigns stars accordingly. An endo doctor receives one star per each of these that are made evident:
- excises endo with wide margins
- majority of patients have endo *
- keeps post-surgical outcome statistics
- published/ presented work, peer-reviewed * (GnRH, Pain Management)
- usually avoids GnRH agonists
These criteria are based on our own experiences and research. Our goal is to maximize the chances of restored functionality. Talk to your doctor to see what treatment is right for you.
(Providers: If you find that an error has been made, please contact us right away so we can fix it. Thank you.)
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Gulf Coast Medical Group Women’s Health & Wellness
Dr. James Kondrup is able to operate on bowel and deep infiltrating endometriosis. Has an assistant surgeon assist with colorectal. Both he and hospital takes almost all insurance. Philosophy: “Excise it. I treat women of all ages for endometriosis including teenagers.”