Re: “You don’t look sick” and other irritating comments

Being miserable every day is a level of despair and exhaustion you cannot possibly fathom within actually experiencing that. I’d never wish that kind of hell on anyone, but it would be wonderful if others’ compassion would increase just a little. As anyone with a chronic illness will know, non-sick people make irksome comments all…

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The Endo Letters

The Endo Letters Written by Holly Sanneman Illustrated by Matt Shembari (Original story and characters created for The American End of Endo Project. Please feel free to share, but we kindly ask that you keep the attributions.) @americanendoefendoproject @hollysanneman #TheEndoLetters In the first episode of The Endo Letters, we meet Endo Metriosis as seen on…

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We needed that someone, so we made Her

Why does American End of Endo Project exist? AEEP exists because having endometriosis is horrible and navigating care adds insult to injury. The whole thing totally sucks and it is easy to get lost or lose hope. AEEP exists to give information this is easy to understand and helpful.

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Clarifying Medical Terms Part 1- Endo… Metro…

Clarifying medical terms Endometriosis versus Endometritis versus Endometrial Ablation versus Ablation of Endometriosis… Latin: Endo “inside” Metr- “uterus” Osis- “condition of” It is- “inflammation of” ——————————————————————– Ab- “away” Lat- “take” “Ablation”= “take away”   Oh Latin roots, so helpful sometimes, but also so very confusing at others. This section is dedicated to helping you to…

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Conflicting Information- How do I know what to believe?

In a world of conflicting stories, opinions, and supposed facts, how do any of us know what to believe anymore? There are conflicting ideas in every area of life. The world of endometriosis information is no different, except the difference in ideas could be extremely harmful. The following was written to encourage you to think…

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